Class Billboard


public class Billboard
extends Group

A Billboard node.

Fields inherited from class shout3d.core.Group
children, defaultChildArray, hidden
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a default Billboard
Method Summary
 float[] getInverseMatrix()
          Get the matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform.
 float[] getMatrix()
          Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values Note: This matrix may give incorrect results if there are multiple instances of the billboard within the scene.
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Group
addChildren, getCameraBBoxMax, getCameraBBoxMin, getLocalBBoxMax, getLocalBBoxMin, getWorldBBoxMax, getWorldBBoxMin, removeChildren
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Node
cleanUp, getDEFName, getField, getFieldByIndex, getFieldName, getNumFields, getTypeName, getViewer, isOfType, setDEFName, setViewer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Billboard()
Constructs a default Billboard
Method Detail


public float[] getMatrix()
Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values Note: This matrix may give incorrect results if there are multiple instances of the billboard within the scene. The matrix of a billboard is dependant on its orientation with respect to that of the viewpoint for which it is rendered. Hence, if a billboard is instanced, each billboard may have a different matrix, so that each billboard is brought into alignment with the viewpoint's image plane. The matrix returned by this method will be that of the last instance rendered in the scene.
the matrix
getMatrix in class Group


public float[] getInverseMatrix()
Get the matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform. Transforms vectors from this node's parent space into its local space. Note: This matrix may give incorrect results if there are multiple instances of the billboard within the scene. The matrix of a billboard is dependant on its orientation with respect to that of the viewpoint for which it is rendered. Hence, if a billboard is instanced, each billboard may have a different matrix, so that each billboard is brought into alignment with the viewpoint's image plane. The matrix returned by this method will be that of the last instance rendered in the scene.
the inverse matrix for this transform.
getInverseMatrix in class Group